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We are excited to welcome back the Plett Polo Festival on the 29th December! This year’s 18 goal match will be a return to Plett vs “Best of the Rest” and is not one to be missed. 

There are a few changes to the format of the day to note, some due to Covid and some just part of the development of our events.
The main change is that the match will be held at Kurland on The Baron field NOT the Pavilion. 
We will be selling allocated picnic sites, around the field, that are totally self-catering. These International polo style picnic spots are a plot of 4m x 4m, which allows you plenty of room to set up your own chairs and gazebo. Each picnic site is permitted to have 15 guests each. 

Ticket sales will happen on the day at the gate. R100 per person, U12 free entry.
See map below for Site locations


2022 tickets are not yet on sale.

West Bank Picinic Sites, centre
West Field Picinic Sites, outer 

East Field Picinic Sites, centre 
East Field Picinic Sites, outer 

Please Note there will be no food and only very limited alcohol on sale on the day, at the venue. 


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